Where tea, cake and the subject of death are on the same menu!
Are you awkward when it comes to wondering what’s the right thing to say to someone in mourning? Do you ever consider what happens at death and whether there is life after death? Does the word ‘death’ excite you, offend you or do you think it’s a morbid topic?
Whatever your answers are, one thing is certain… no one really knows what happens next, yet we do know that we’re all going to die!
At a death café there’s no set agenda and no experts on hand to pontificate on death or any after life. Instead, there are people like you and me who like to have a good natter on the one thing about which we know very little.
What happens at a death café is simple. After the welcome by the facilitator (that’s me!) there’s a chance for you to say who you are and why you’ve chosen to attend that particular death café. Once everyone’s had a chance to give their reasons for being there, then the space is open to question, consider, reflect, share but above all, listen.
Here are a few comments received after a death café:
The best zoom café so far! Good meeting as always and such a nice group! Many thanks again…much food for thought. I wanted to tell you that I’ve felt quite a bit better since the Death Café and I can only put that down to feeling that I’m not so alone in how I feel. Thank you Glynis I really appreciate it, I really enjoyed it, thanks for everything. Every cafe is completely different and such an experience, there’s lots to think about.
Since Jon Underwood began the Death Cafe back in 2011, it has gone on to become a global movement. The Mallorca Death Café had its first ever event in December 2015 at a local vegetarian/vegan tea room, the perfect setting for such an occasion. Since that time, regular death cafés have been enjoyed all over the island and in 2019 the network grew to include more groups across the Balearics.
During the pandemic the Mallorca Death Café went online and hosted weekly sessions during the State of Alarm and subsequent lockdown. Events held in English were very much international with assistants gathering from US, UK, Eire, Portugal and all over Spain. The Spanish events drew facilitators from the north of Spain down to the Canaries who worked together to bring the conversation about death to more people where the taboo is still strong.
The late Jon Underwood had a clear vision: bring society together in a comfortable setting with tea and cake and the opportunity to enjoy non judgemental and heartfelt conversations. Whilst the world struggles with a pandemic, something never experienced in our lifetime, perhaps the best thing we can do is to allow ourselves the space to make sense of death.
It’s thanks to Jon Underwood that the death café is now a global movement. They’ve always been free to attend, the only cost being the price of one’s own refreshments. COVID-19 brought new challenges, but going online allowed the Mallorca Death Café to reach more people all over the world. The Mallorca Death Café is happy to use the Zoom platform and maintains small groups, no more than 12 per session, with events in either English or Spanish.
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