Would an end of life doula be suitable for you or your loved one?
This definition of an end of life doula sums us up! Doulas are the bookends of life – Just as a Birth Doula is there at the beginning, an End of Life Doula is there for the end. Meaning that the last months or weeks or days are compassionate, calm, natural and as normal as can be. (Taken from End of Life Doula UK).
Interestingly, I studied to be a birth doula with Dr Michel Odent, the French obstetrician and childbirth specialist. That was in 2007 and shortly after training, I realised that being a birth doula wasn’t for me. Whilst I had had both my sons at home with a midwife and his doulas, 2007 was a time for personal growth and responsibility following divorce.
In 2015 my interest in dying and death really turned the corner becoming who I am now – a funeral celebrant, end of life doula and facilitator of regular death cafés. I had already been visiting terminally ill patients for some years then with local not for profit organisation, DIME.
As an end of life doula, I am available to discuss practical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your end of life care. Whether it’s your final wishes you wish to consider such as the options available here in Mallorca, where to die or perhaps your funeral, I can chat with you and help you plan.
If you’re caring for elderly parents or relatives and not sure what their options are or how you can help, then give me a call. We’ll chat about what happens at death here on the island and practical things such as funeral costs and where ceremonies can take place as well as what to expect when the time comes. Practical considerations include looking at any advance care planning and living wills that need to be completed.
As more and more people have turned their back on religion, many still want to know what rituals are available to them. Whilst I am not in a position to offer the Catholic Church’s Last Rites, I can give a spiritual alternative in the last days. This will comfort you and acknowledge your life on earth, giving thanks for all you accomplished.
As an end of life doula, my role is to empower you so you can face end of life with self-love and compassion, always in emotional and spiritual comfort and with your affairs in order.
Contact me today to find out how I can help.
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