Have you met the professional who will be dealing with your loved one at the end of life?
When there is a wedding or a new baby on the way, we prepare by focussing our time, money and energy to make sure that we get it right. We are even willing to renew vows and celebrate coming of age moments with parties, photo sessions and more, either at home or more often abroad!
Why is it then that we shy away from the one guarantee facing us all – the death of a loved one or even our own with little to no preparation!
Have you given any thought as to what your loved one wants at their funeral? Will it be a religious service or not? Did you already enquire as to how much a funeral costs? Do you know if your loved one already has an insurance policy in place, where they keep it and what it includes?
Leaving these questions unanswered can bring untold and unnecessary stress. Why wonder who will officiate the funeral or where it will be held or even how much it will all cost. And if you are having to do this in another country and another language, the lack of preparation and knowledge may leave you with too much on your plate to celebrate the life of your loved one in a fitting way.
I welcome any enquiries. Contact me today for peace of mind!
The Bitterest tears shed over graves are
for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.
– Harriet Beecher Stowe